





n. commencement ,first ,origin ,starta. first


n. conclusion ,end ,finish ,middle


beginning[bi'ɡiniŋ]n. 開始;起點v. 開始;創建(begin的ing形式)


beginning 開始;開頭;開端;開始,開端;beginning balance 期初餘額;起始餘額;期初餘額;期末餘額;The Beginning 降臨;開端;華麗的序曲;序曲;waterline beginning 設計水線始段;水線前段;Beginning Comments 開頭註釋;


1.Celebrate your new beginning! 慶祝你的新開始。

2.So the book had a private beginning. 因此本書有一個私人的開始。

3.But the outside world was beginning to change. 但是外面的世界正開始發生變化。


which we made clear at the beginning of the negotiation. - 關於這一點,我們早在開始談判時期就講明了。

OK. The beginning of my famous Thanksgiving apple pie. - 好。開始做我拿手的感恩節蘋果派。

Richard has a point. You're just beginning to look. Richard - 說得對。你們只是開始看房子而已。

Reading childern's literature is an excellent way for the beginning English speaker to improve. - 對於剛剛開始學說英語的人,閱讀兒童文學讀物是個不錯的方法。

I'm beginning to see what you mean. - 我開始明白你的意思了。

I am beginning to lose my temper with you! - 有你在,我總忍不住想要發脾氣。

We must make it clear from the very beginning that competitive quotations are acceptable. - 必須一開始就講清的是,有競爭力的報價可以接受。

I am beginning to understand that my personality is very complicated. - 我開始明白自己的性格非常複雜。

We are beginning to be disliked by many people. - 我們開始遭到許多人討厭了。

Her job is beginning to get her down. - 她開始對工作感到厭倦了。

A bad beginning makes a bad ending. - 惡其始者必惡其終。

A good beginning is half done. - 良好的開端,就是成功了一半。

A good beginning is half the battle. - 首戰告捷等於一半勝利。

A good beginning makes a good ending. - 善始者必善其終。

Love is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending. - 愛情始甜而終苦。

Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test. - 確信我已通過考試,所以我幾乎開始喜歡起這次考試。

The only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the programme. - 那天晚上唯一有趣的事情是節目開始時那個報幕員的開場白。

It marked the end of the great tradition of ships with sails and the beginning of a new era. - 它標誌著帆船偉大傳統的結束與一個新紀元的開始。

During the summer, I noticed tat the leaves of the tree were beginning to wither. - 到了夏天,我發現樹葉開始枯萎,

By this time her legs were beginning to tremble, - 這時她兩腿累得開始發抖,

In the breaking and remaking, in the timing, interweaving, beginning afresh, - 作家在剪裁修改、構思時間、穿插情節、以至從頭重寫的過程中,

In the beginning they used to carve Chinese characters on stones to record important dates in history. - 開始時,他們常把漢字刻在石頭上,記載歷史上重要的日期。

Yes. At the very beginning I choose a play and the actors. - 好。一開始我得選取劇本、挑選演員。

She's beginning to move a little. - 她開始有點能動了。

Well, I think at the beginning we'd rather have some fairly quiet and peaceful music. - 好,我想,開始時,我們寧可聽些柔和舒緩的音樂。

About a third of the people who had been chained up below at the beginning of the journey were missing. - 旅程開始時拴在下邊的人大約有三分之一已經不見了。

It is better to ask for help at the beginning rather than to wait until a busy period when everyone is rushed off their feet. - 最好在開始工作時就請人幫忙,而不是等到大學都忙得不可開交的時候。

It was beginning to get dark. I think we'd best stay the night here, I said. - 天開始變黑。「我看我們最好在這裡過夜,」我說,


beginning of menstrual function; menarche; menarche--beginning of menstrual function - 天癸至

beginning of ventricular ejection - 心室噴血開始


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