n. kazak ,kazakhstan ,kazakstan ,republic of kazakhstan
kazakhn. 哈薩克人,哈薩克族;哈薩克語
Kazakh 哈薩克語;哈薩克文;哈薩克人;哈薩克族;Kazakh Bactrian 哈薩克雙峰駝;Kazak Kazakh 哈薩克人;Kazakh Uplands 哈薩克高地;Kazakh Sheep 哈薩克羊;
1.Pike perch seem plentiful at this Kazakh processing plant, but the catch here has fallen sharply in recent years—and that's not the worst news. 在這個哈薩克加工廠,梭鱸看起來很豐富,但是這裡的捕獲量在近年急劇下降,而那還不是最壞的消息。
2.Pray for Gods glory to fill Karamay, pop. 248, 673, an oil production center in the Kazakh area of northern Xinjiang, which is a region of Islamic radicalism. 克拉瑪依人口248,673人,位於新疆北部哈薩克自治州,是石油生產中心,也是伊斯蘭教激進份子活動地區,願神得著此城。
3.Both Chinese and Kazakh languages are rich in idiom, therefore, in the study of languages, its cultural significance for analysis and comparison is very necessary. 漢語和哈薩克語這兩種語言中都有著豐富的熟語,因此,在研究兩種語言時,對其文化意義進行分析和對比是十分必要的。