access violation 訪問衝突;非法訪問;存取違例;訪問破壞;access violation 訪問衝突;非法訪問;存取違例;訪問破壞;aggrieve infract infraction infringe upon inroad invasion trespass violation 侵害;Copyright Violation when attempting to install game 安裝違反著作權的遊戲;access violation 訪問衝突;非法訪問;存取違例;訪問破壞;
1.When a particular design rule is violated, the associated custom violation graphics (where applicable) are only drawn on the layer(s) involved with that violation. 當某個設計規則發生衝突,相關的定制衝突圖形(合適的)僅僅顯示在衝突發生的層。
2.If the violation is continuous or in a state of continuity, the time period shall be counted as of the day when the violation ends. 違反治安管理行為有連續或者繼續狀態的,從行為終了之日起計算。
3.Nothing in this section limits the right of the person aggrieved by a violation of this section to recover damages or other relief under any other applicable law. 因違反本章節之行為受侵害者於其他可適用法令中可以回復原狀或尋求救濟之權利,本章節均未予以限制。
4.They learn to associate love with abuse, intimacy with violation, and care with betrayal. 他們學會將愛與虐待、親密與侵犯、照顧與背叛都聯想一起。
5.Each department should report the employee's violation of labor discipline situation in two working days to the HR & Adm. Department. 各部門應對員工違反勞動紀律的情況在事件發生的兩個工作日內報人力資源行政部。
violation or reverse restriction in five elements - 反侮
violation or reverse restriction in five elements - 反克
violation or reverse restriction in five elements - 相侮