discontinuouslyadv. 間斷地;不連續地
discontinuously 不連續地;不連續;discontinuously distributed suction 不連續多孔吸除;
1.Depending on how you look at it, this can be a great flexible advantage giving users the ability to Undo discontinuously at any selected location. 看你 怎麼 認為,如考慮到用戶能夠在任意選擇的位置執行不連續的撤銷,這樣相當方便。
2.Macro-and middle-pores are more and distribute discontinuously in each residues. The small molecular phases distribute with "discontinuous" occurrence mode. 萃余物中的中,大孔多,不同孔徑段的孔隙呈現間斷性分佈,揭示了小分子相的「斷續性」的賦存方式;
3.At present, however, there are some problems in ME objectives in schools throughout the country. The objective, content and manner of ME are discontinuously connected. 但在目前,學校德育目標偏失這一本體論,片面地追求工具化、理想化、絕對化,而忘掉德育的本真是培養人的德性。