palmingn. [籃球]翻腕v. 把…藏在手掌(palm的ing形式)
palming 翻腕運球;非法拍球動作;翻腕;藏牌;palming the ball 低拍傳球;palming off substitute for the real thing 李代桃僵;第十一計: 李代桃僵;
1.This law is intended to prevent dishonest people from palming off inferior goods. 這個法律就是用來制止奸商以欺騙手段出售劣貨。
2.if you said the Communist have something to make better, chippings control you and make you death by palming themselves as secret agents. 如果你說共產黨也有很多事情需要改善,支那豬就假冒國家特工之名監控你,不怕害不死你。
3.Now think of that other person palming the mouse, surfing YOUR site. If your website is a frenzy of color and confusion, all it takes is one CLICK and you're forgotten! 試想別人握著鼠標在瀏覽你的網站,如果網站色彩繁雜,混亂無序,那麼他只要輕輕一點,你的網站就被他徹底拋在腦後了。