1.When you get the most out of your life, savoring every last drop. 當你從生活中獲得最大回報時,盡情品味最後一滴甘露。
2.A glass of champagne in hand, strolling on the foredeck, savoring the sights of the city and the rainforest clad mountains, a memory to last forever. 手握香檳酒,漫步在船頭的甲板上,品味著城市和熱帶雨林的風光,所有這些讓您記憶永存。
3.When you get the most out of your life, savoring every last drop. 當你從生活中獲得最大回報時,盡情品味最後一滴甘露。
4.So elegant and delicate, he can use an empty bottle, full of hospital equipment from sweet-scented osmanthus incense, flowers fall for a chance to savoring the time; 那麼雅致細膩的人,他可以用一個空瓶,裝起滿院桂花香,花香落盡時再拿出來細細品嚐;
5.Under the candlelight rocks the dark red grape wine, love must equally attentively savoring slowly. 燭光下晃動著深紅的葡萄酒,愛情一樣要用心慢慢的品味。