v. place ,pose ,put down ,reposen. ballada. laic ,secular
lay[lei]vt. 躺下;產卵;擱放adj. 世俗的;外行的n. 位置;短詩;花紋方向vi. 下蛋;打賭v. 躺;位於(lie的過去式)
lay 敷設;鋪設;躺下;放置;lay down 制定(計劃等);鋪設(鐵路);規定;放棄(想法態度等);lay in 貯存,貯藏;貯藏;邊開車邊鋪高水帶;積蓄,儲蓄;ordinary lay 正常鋼絲繩捻向;普通搓捻;普通搓合;普通繩股;regular lay 普通捻;正常鋼絲繩捻向;交互捻(繩);普通撚;
1.The summer storm laid the crops. 夏日的風暴刮倒了莊稼。
2.A mist lay over the city. 城市上空籠罩著一層薄霧。
3.But time enough to lay to waste every certainty I had. 但我有足夠的時間來浪費/盡我所確定的事情。
Fat hens lay few eggs. - 肥雞不下蛋。
It is easier to raise the devil than to lay him. - 養虎易,馴虎難。
Though, at first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran into serious trouble. - 雖然開始時伯德和他的助手們拍下了飛機下面連綿群山的大量照片,但他們很快就陷入了困境。
Glancing at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, - 年輕人看了一眼周圍的碎木片和碎金屬片,
Snow lay thick on the ground. - 地上積著厚厚的雪。
For nearly three and a half centuries she lay at the bottom of Stockholm harbour until her discovery in 1956. - 這艘大船在斯德哥爾摩港口的海底躺了將近3個半世紀之後,直到1956年才被發現。
We would lay less stress on 'facts and figures'and more on a good memory, - 人們不會再重視"資料和數據",而靠好記性、
The key to a solution of that problem lay in an everyday observation. - 可以從我們的日常生活觀察中找到這個問題的答案。
who can gratify every caprice and lay their hands on almost every object of desire---- - 他們能夠恣意妄為,能染指一切追求的目標。
The man lay on the road. Luckly, he was not badly hurt. But he could not move. - 他躺在路上。幸好他傷得不重。但他不能動。
Thus they lay on hard wooden boards, unable to stand up or move around. - 這樣,他們就躺在硬木板上,既不能站立起來,也不能活動。
he lay unconscious for some hours - 他昏迷了好幾個小時
abrasion; brush burn; friction burn; graze; lay open - 擦傷
n.他昏迷了好幾個小時 - he lay unconscious for some hours