Typematic Rate 鍵盤重複輸入速率;連擊速度;typematic key 連打鍵;Typematic Rate Setting 輸入速度設置;擊鍵速率設置;鍵盤輸入速率調整;(輸入速率設置):根據鍵盤自己設置吧;Typematic Rate Setting (輸入速度設置):是否使用人工設置來控制輸入速度,若想加快文字處理效果,還是打開的好。;typematic key stroke 自動打印鍵動作;
1.Soft error display complete. Going to set keyboard typematic rate. 軟錯誤顯示結束。即將進行鍵盤擊鍵速度進行設置。
2.causes an action ( such as typing of a character ) to be repeated until the key is released, for example, a typematic key. 一種按鍵,當按住它時,就產生一種重複動作(如打印一個字符),直到放開此鍵為止。例如,自動打印鍵。
3.A key that, when held fully depressed, causes an action ( such as typing of a character ) to be repeated until the key is released, for example, a typematic key. 一種按鍵,當按住它時,就產生一種重複動作(如打印一個字符),直到放開此鍵為止。例如,自動打印鍵。