Anti Corruption 反腐敗;anti-corruption by considerably increasing income 高薪養廉;Anti Corruption 反腐敗;Dislikes corruption 不搞貪污;combating corruption 反腐敗;反腐敗其實很容易;
1.The thought of anti-corruption is important. We should know adequately chronicity of anti-corruption struggle and insist on the policy of being two-handed and strong. 反腐敗思想是鄧小平理論的重要組成部分,要充分認識反腐敗鬥爭的長期性,堅持兩手抓,兩手都要硬的方針。
2.The anti-corruption commission's Pakdee says the government needs to implement risk-management practices to make sure corruption does not siphon off that money. 在反腐敗委員會任職的帕克迪說,泰國政府需要實行管理風險的法律,保證這些錢不至於會因為腐敗而流失。
3.Non-toxic anti-corrosion anti-bacterial, anti-wear anti-aging, anti-slip underlay, flame retardant high, is a healthy environment-friendly carpet! 無毒防腐抗菌,抗磨損耐老化,防滑底襯,阻燃性能極高,是健康的環保型地毯!
4.Every year Transparency International publishes its Corruption Perceptions Index, its Bribe Payers Index and its Global Corruption Barometer. 每年「透明國際」都發佈貪腐感受指數、行賄指數和全球腐敗趨勢預測。
5.The strategy of fighting corruption by belittling bribing and attaching importance to accept-bribes is a direct cause why the corruption become increasingly grisliness. 刑事法律制度中的重受賄、輕行賄的戰術、戰略是導致腐敗行為愈演愈烈的直接原因之一。