





n. cervix ,neck openingv. make out


neck[nek]n. 脖子;衣領;海峽vi. [口]摟著脖子親吻;變狹窄vt. 使變細;[口]與…摟著脖子親吻


neck 脖子;領窩;頸部皮革;頸部;NECK WIDTH 頸闊;領寬;neck scarf 圍巾;neck drop 領深;領窩;shaft neck 軸頸;


1.The road suddenly necks down the bridge. 下了橋之後,道路突然變得狹窄了。

2.What has neck but no throat? 什麼有脖子卻沒有喉嚨?

3.Punches on the back, including back of the head and neck. 快速衝拳與後背,包括於背後的頭部與頸部。


It's a pain in the neck having to meet them at the airport. - 必須到機場去接他們,真討厭。

The two contestants are neck and neck with 20 points each. - 比賽雙方各得20分,打成平局。

I'm not sure. It was difficult to see. Wei Hua and Sun Meiying were both neck and neck. - 我不敢肯定。很難說。魏華和孫美英不分上下。

Yu Yan and Jim were neck and neck. They both passed on their sticks at the same time. - 余延和吉姆跑得一樣快。

They were still neck and neck! But the other runners were not far behind. - 他們仍在肩並肩地跑!但是,其他運動員也距離他們不遠。

The last lap! Wu Peng from Class 1 and Lin Tao from Class 3 were still neck and neck. - 最後一圈!1班的吳鵬和3班的林濤仍然是並駕齊驅。

On our way home that night I looked down and saw that the necklace was not around my neck any more. I told Pierre. We rushed back to the palace and looked for it.We asked everyone there if they had found a necklace, but without luck. We couldn't find it; - 那天晚上在回家的路上,我低頭一看,發現項鏈不再掛在我的脖子上了。我告訴了比爾。我們馬上趕回王宮去尋找。我們詢問了那兒的每一個人,問他們是不是拾到了一條項鏈。可是,真倒霉。我們找不到那條項鏈;它丟失了。


collum mandibulae; neck of mandible - 下頜頸

congenital webbed neck syndrome - 先天性頸蹼綜合征

functional neck dissection - 功能性頸清掃術

neck of uterus; unerine neck - 宮頸

familial neck rigidity - 家族性頸部強直

brudzinskis sign; neck flexion test; neck sign - 屈頸試驗

square neck bolt - 方頸螺栓

radical neck dissection - 根治性頸部切除術

radical neck dissection - 根治性頸部清掃術

neck of sperm - 精子頸部

tonic neck reflexes - 緊張性頸反射

collum costae; neck of rib - 肋頸

collum femoris; neck of femur - 股骨頸

fragile neck of the femur - 股骨頸脆弱

fracture of neck of femur - 股骨頸骨折

femoral neck fracture instruments set - 股骨頸骨折手術器械包

collum scapulae; neck of scapula - 肩胛骨頸

fracture of neck of scapula - 肩胛骨頸骨折

mucous neck cells - 胃腺頸部粘液細胞

collum vesicae felleae; neck of gallbladder - 膽囊頸

neck of gland - 腺頸

cervix vesicae; neck of urinary bladder - 膀胱頸

vesical neck syndrome - 膀胱頸部綜合征

collum tali; neck of talus - 距骨頸

collum mallei; neck of malleus - 錘骨頸

neck sign - 項征

neck rigidity; stiffness of nape and back - 項背強

flaccidity of nape; flaccidity of the nape; neck flaccidity of infant - 項軟

neck reflex - 頸反射

neck rigidity; stiff neck; stiffneck - 頸強直

redical neck dissection - 頸淋巴組織清掃術

stiffness of neck in children - 頸硬

neck righting reflex - 頸翻正反射

neck rrauma - 頸部創傷

extrathyroidal neck radioactivity - 頸部甲狀腺外放射性

magnus and de kleijn neck reflexes - 馬-德二氏頸反射

magnus-de kleijin neck reflex - 馬-德利莫氏反射


解剖頸 - anatomical neck

肱骨解剖頸 - anatomical neck of the humerus

n.項 - back of neck

膀胱頸 - bladder neck

膀胱頸攣縮,膀胱頸狹窄 - bladder neck contracture

膀胱頸梗阻 - bladder neck obstruction

瓶頸效應 - bottle neck effect

n.頸部瘢痕攣縮 - cicatrical contracture of neck

n.先天性膀胱頸攣縮 - congenital contracture of bladder neck

n.先天性頸蹼綜合征 - congenital webbed neck syndrome

n.臍帶繞頸 - cord around neck

n.肋頸脊 - crest of costal neck

n.牙頸 - dental neck

n.頸部甲狀腺外放射性 - extrathyroidal neck radioactivity

n.家族性頸部強直 - familial neck rigidity

股骨頸骨折 - femoral neck fracture

n.股骨頸骨折手術器械包 - femoral neck fracture instruments set

n.頭軟 - flaccidity of neck

n.長頸細口圓底燒瓶 - flask with round bottom and long neck

n.股骨頸骨折 - fracture of neck of femur

n.肩胛骨頸骨折 - fracture of neck of scapula

n.股骨頸脆弱 - fragile neck of the femur

n.功能性頸清掃術 - functional neck dissection

頭脖癌 - head and neck cancer

胸膽質 - head and neck neoplasm

n.血癭 - hemangioma of the neck

n.頸棘間肌 - interspinal muscles of neck

n.頸長肌 - long muscle of neck

n.頸最長肌 - longest muscle of neck

n.馬德隆氏頸 - madelungs neck

n.馬-德二氏頸反射 - magnus and de kleijn neck reflexes

n.馬-德利莫氏反射 - magnus-de kleijin neck reflex

胃頸粘液細胞,粘液細胞 - mucous neck cell

n.胃腺頸部粘液細胞 - mucous neck cells

頸部肌肉 - muscle of neck

n.頸肌 - muscles of neck

n.頸部捫診 - palpation of neck

n.頸後三角 - posterior triangle of neck

外傷後頸部綜合征,頸外傷綜合症 - posttraumatic neck syndrome

n.壓頸測壓試驗 - pressure measurement by compresson of neck

n.根治性頸部切除術,根治性頸部清掃術 - radical neck dissection

n.頸淋巴組織清掃術 - redical neck dissection

n.頸迴旋肌 - rotator muscles of neck

n.蛇盤疬 - scrofula around the neck

n.頸半棘肌 - semispinal muscle of neck

n.頸部軟組織感染 - soft tissue infection of neck

n.頸棘肌 - spinal muscle of neck

n.頸夾肌 - splenius muscle of neck

n.方頸螺栓 - square neck bolt

n.頸強直,落枕 - stiff neck


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