





n. component ,parcel ,part ,percentagev. allot ,assign


portion['pɔ:ʃən, 'pəu-]n. 部分;一份;命運vt. 分配;給…嫁妝


portion 部分;一部份;一份;一部分;nonresident portion 非常駐部分;Exhaust portion 排汽段;專家、能手;zone portion 三行區部分;end portion 尾相;尾部;末段;


1.The conquered territories were portioned out among the victors. 被征服的領土在勝利者之間被均分了。

2.Just one portion? 就要一份嗎?

3.I live not in myself – but I become portion of that around me. 我不是活在自身當中-而是成為我周圍環境的一部分。


How about taking the damaged portion at a lower price? - 損壞的那一部分就算便宜一點,如何?


resection of anterior portion of mandibular ramus - 下頜升支切除術

distributon law; law of distribution; portion law - 分配定律

cochlear portion of vestibulo-cochlear nerve - 前庭蝸神經蝸部

petrous portion petrosa - 巖部

pars recta; straight portion straight part - 直部

the inner portion of the arms - 臂內側

tubal fimbria portion pregnancy - 輸卵管傘部妊娠

ampullary portion of the tube - 輸卵管壺腹部

tubal isthmc portion pregnancy - 輸卵管峽部妊娠

interstitial portion of the tube; intramural portion of fallopian tube - 輸卵管間質部

convoluted portion of distal convoluted tubule - 遠端小管曲部

straight portion of distal convoluted tubule - 遠端小管直部

thick portion of henles loop - 髓袢粗段

thin portion of henles loop - 髓袢細段


n.輸卵管壺腹部 - ampullary portion of the tube

n.無定形部分 - amorphous portion

n.基部 - basal portion

尾部 - caudal portion

n.中央部 - central portion

子宮頸部癌 - cervical portion cancer

n.前庭蝸神經蝸部 - cochlear portion of vestibulo-cochlear nerve

n.遠端小管曲部 - convoluted portion of distal convoluted tubule

n.角膜鞏膜部 - corneosclera portion

n.遠側部 - distal portion

n.排泄部 - excretory portion

n.外分泌部 - exocrine portion

n.鬆弛部 - flaccid portion

n.游離部分 - free portion

n.底部 - fundal portion

n.傷部 - injured portion

內部血管中層部分 - internal media portion

n.輸卵管間質部 - interstitial portion of the tube

n.輸卵管間質部 - intramural portion of fallopian tube

n.外側部 - lateral portion

n.腰骶部 - lumbosacral portion

n.骨骺部 - osteoepiphyseal portion

n.梳狀部 - pectionate portion

n.巖部 - petrous portion petrosa

n.咽部 - pharyngeal portion

n.前列腺部 - prostatic portion

n.下頜升支切除術 - resection of anterior portion of mandibular ramus

頸部鱗狀上皮瘤 - squamous epithelioma in cervical portion

n.柄部 - stalk portion

n.遠端小管直部 - straight portion of distal convoluted tubule

n.直部 - straight portion straight part

n.終未部 - terminal portion

n.臂內側 - the inner portion of the arms

n.髓袢粗段 - thick portion of henles loop

n.髓袢細段 - thin portion of henles loop

n.輸卵管傘部妊娠 - tubal fimbria portion pregnancy

n.輸卵管峽部妊娠 - tubal isthmc portion pregnancy

睪丸鞘膜部分 - vaginal portion

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