





n. foetus


fetus['fi:təs]n. 胎兒,胎


fetus 胎兒;胎,胎兒;黃毛小兒;胎兒:;fetus period 胎兒期;Campylobacter fetus 胎兒彎曲菌屬;胎兒彎曲桿菌;包括胎兒彎曲菌;胎兒彎曲菌;fetus extractor 胎兒取出器;釋義:胎兒取出器;Dying Fetus 死胎;死去的胎兒;死胎樂隊;


1.Now fetus space appears very close in the mother's womb. 此時胎兒在母體子宮內的空間顯得十分緊密。

2.Miscarriages are usually caused by abnormal chromosome patterns in the fetus. 流產通常是因為胎兒的染色體異常造成的。

3.Therefore, the study of the fetus protection of civil law will help speed up and improve the legislation. 因此,對胎兒利益的民法保護問題的研究將有助於我國立法的加快和完善。


With a shortage of chromosomes, a developing fetus will likely grow into a child with down syndrome. - 如果缺省染色體,一個處於成長階段的胚胎可能發育成一個具有不良綜合症的小孩。


fetus compressus; fetus papyra - 壓扁胎

damage of the fetus by poison during pregnancy - 妊娠毒藥傷胎

dead fetus in uterus - 子宮內死胎

hyperactivityof the fetus in late pregnancy - 弄產

damage of fetus due to rediation - 放射致胎兒操作

dead fetus syndrome - 死胎滯留綜合征

fetus sanguinolentis - 浸軟死胎

fetus sanguinolentis - 浸軟胎兒

dead fetus syndrome - 胎兒死亡綜合征

fetus edema - 胎兒水腫

hyperactivity of the fetus with vaginal bleeding - 胎動下血

drug fetus damage - 藥物致胎兒損傷

fetus compressus; fetus papyraceous; paper-doll fetus - 薄紙樣胎


n.胎兒發育異常 - abnormal development of fetus

異常胎兒 - abnormal fetus

n.胎不正 - abnormal position of fetus

n.胎兒附件 - appendages of fetus

n.胎兒浮球感 - ballottement of fetus

n.石胎 - calcified fetus

抗感冒藥 - Campylobacter fetus

n.放射致胎兒操作 - damage of fetus due to rediation

n.妊娠毒藥傷胎 - damage of the fetus by poison during pregnancy

n.死胎 - dead fetus

n.子宮內死胎 - dead fetus in uterus

n.死胎滯留綜合征,胎兒死亡綜合征 - dead fetus syndrome

n.胎餓斷頭術,胎兒斷頭術 - decapitation of fetus

n.胎兒發育 - development of fetus

n.藥物致胎兒損傷 - drug fetus damage

n.轉胞,轉脬 - dysuria due to the pressure of the fetus

n.對原爆倖存者的胚胎和胎兒的效應 - effects on embryo and fetus

n.胞阻 - embarrassment of the fetus

胎內胎畸形,胎內胎畸形兒 - fetus in fetus

n.胎兒生長遲緩 - growth retardation of fetus

皮膚花斑狀胎兒,皮膚花紋狀胎兒 - harlequin fetus

n.高危胎兒 - high risk fetus

n.胎動下血 - hyperactivity of the fetus with vaginal bleeding

n.弄產 - hyperactivityof the fetus in late pregnancy

n.未成熟胎兒 - immature fetus

n.胎產式,胎兒位置 - lie of fetus

浸軟兒 - macerated fetus

胎兒乾屍化 - mummification of the fetus

n.養胎 - nourishing the fetus

n.胎元 - original qi of fetus

n.薄紙樣胎,紙樣兒 - paper-doll fetus

n.紙樣兒 - papyraceous fetus

n.寄生胎 - parasitic fetus

n.胎位 - position of fetus

n.過度成熟胎兒,過期胎兒 - postdate fetus

n.過度成熟胎兒,過期胎兒 - postmature fetus

早產兒 - premature fetus

n.胎不長 - retardation of growth of fetus

n.胎萎不長 - retarded growth of fetus

n.死胎不下,死胎滯留 - retention of dead fetus

n.X射線診斷引起癌腫的危險度 - risk to the embryo and fetus diagnostic x-rays

綿羊台 - sheep fetus

n.胎兒生命征 - signs of life in fetus

n.死胎 - stillborn fetus

n.蔭胎 - stoppage of growth of fetus

n.跌仆傷胎 - trauma involving the intra-uterine fetus

n.超聲胎頭測量法 - ultrasonic cephalometry of fetus


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