1.Bronze &highlight in one sexy sweep for a supermodel glow &sleek, sculpted cheekbones. This satiny pink &bronze powder duo takes you to a perfect 10! 十分完美腮紅蜜粉粉紅及古銅閃粉二合一,可塑造顴骨光影,營造健康膚色,得到完美10分。
2.Supermodel Cindy Crawford who recently sizzled in a shoot for French Vogue has admitted to using botox collagen and vitamin injections to keep her good looks. 超級模特辛迪克勞馥近日為法國《風尚》雜誌拍攝寫真時承認有注射肉毒素、膠原蛋白和維他命,讓自己美貌常駐。
3.Lily Donaldson even replaced British supermodel Kate Moss as the "younger face" speaking for Burberry in 200
7. 據柏帛麗雨衣2007年宣稱,她作為一個新面孔取代了英國名模凱特莫斯。
4.And with her gap-toothed pout staring seductively at the camera, there's no mistaking the looks inherited from father Sir Mick and supermodel mother Jerry Hall. 她撅著小嘴兒露著一排牙齒,用充滿誘惑的眼神看著鏡頭,毫無疑問,她的外形的確是遺傳了爸爸的性感雙唇和媽媽的妖嬈身姿。