dwellsvi. 居住;存在於;細想某事
Dwells On Ball 專注於球?(可能是粘球的意思);hardness dwells in softness 柔中寓剛;The House Where Evil Dwells 替身鬼;Serve a justice that dwells in me 歸順那個屬於正義裡的我;真正的正義居於我的體內;只服從我自己心中的正義;我傳達著正義的意義;In my heart such sorrow dwells 憂從中來;
1.This report dwells on hov some species were exterminated because of the polluted environment. 這份報告詳述了部分物種如何因為環境污染而滅絕的經過。
2.The mind is the greatest power on Earth due to the fact that you are children of the Father that dwells within. 心智是地球上最大的力量,由於這個事實,你就是居住在你之內的天父的孩子。
3.Beyond these hills is a grove of enchantment and to him who dwells therein my peace is but a whirlwind and my enchantment an illusion. 在這些山谷之外自有一處魅力從林,在他而言我的平靜竟成了一陣旋風而我的魅力只是一陣眩暈的幻覺。