EAMabbr. (第二次世界大戰時希臘的)民族解放陣線(Ethniko Apelevtherotiko Metopo);電動計算機(Electric Accounting Machine);工程管理手冊(Engineering Administration Manual)
EAM Enterprise Asset Management;電動式會計機;企業資產管理;embedded atom method;EAM ExtendedArithmeticModule 擴展式算術模塊;FELL EAM 埋夾;HOULDER EAM 納膊位 肩縫;EAM ALLOWANCE 止口,子口 縫頭;
1.Team work attitude and communicate as a team player. 良好職業道德及團隊合作精神。
2.In addition, information can be easily directed to EAM/CMMS maintenance scheduling systems for efficient workforce management and logistics. 此外,信息可以很容易地用於EAM/CMMS維護調度系統,實現有效的勞動力管理和物流。
3.Relationship between Competition Pohcy and Industry Policy in the Area of Merger Control Regulation:E. C. 's Experience sand What China should I. eam from lt ? 合併控制領域內競爭政策和產業政策的關係:歐共體的經驗以及中國應當從中學習什麼?