toggledn. 索結繩紐v. 用掛索樁固定(toggle的過去式和過去分詞)
Toggled 索結繩紐;toggled sheepshank 兩端被固定住的縮結(不吃力時不會鬆開;
1.The level of a building can be shown. The view can be toggled on and off. 建設等級內建顯示。加入官方認可的切換關閉。
2.The Full screen menu item allows full-screen mode to be toggled on or off directly, without having to use the Options dialog. 全屏菜單項允許直接鎖定或解鎖全屏模式,無須使用「選項」對話框。
3.Mission: The mission is another, generally longer, blurb of text, which is usually displayed on the front page. It, too, can be toggled on or off from the theme settings pages. 任務:任務是其它的,一般的文本,它通常能過模板設置隱藏和顯示頭版信息。