grant aided 受補助的;Andrew Grant 高安德;格蘭特;grant ave 都板街;Grant Balfour 巴爾佛;巴佛爾;巴弗爾;hugh grant and drew barrymore 重墜愛河;休·格蘭特、德魯·巴裡摩爾;
1.The $100 excess allocated to Grant's capital account is a bonus grant from the existing partners, Bryan and Davis. 格蘭特資本賬戶中附加的100美元是原合夥人布賴恩和戴維斯給予的額外津貼。
2.Mizzou has a grant program for international students. The Curator's Grant-in-Aid program is for those who get good grades and take part in university activities. Mizzou有一個針對國際生的獎勵計劃,TheCurator's獎學金計劃授予那些成績好而且積極參加校內活動的學生。
3.Mizzou has a grant program for international students. The Curator's Grant-in-Aid program is for those who get good grades and take part in university activities. Mizzou有一個針對留學生的助學金計劃,即「館長助學金項目」,它頒發給那些成績優秀、積極參加學校活動的學生。
4.Project supported by a Grant for Key Research Items in "Climbing" Program from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. ). 國家科技部攀登計劃重點研究項目基金(批准號: )資助的課題。
5.Project supported by a Grant for Key Research Items in "Climbing" Program from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. ). 國家科技部攀登計劃重點研究項目基金(批准號:)資助的課題。
Uh, uh, it's 888 Grant Avenue. It's a block east of Washington Square. - 嗯,哦,是Grant大道888號。華盛頓廣場東邊的一個街區。
Our policy is not to grant exclusivity. - 我們的方針是不授與專賣權。
He may get a grant to study abroad next year. - 他明年也許會獲得留學獎學金。
Our policy is not to grant exclusivity. - 我們的方針是不授與專賣權。