bessarabian. 比薩拉比亞(蘇聯東南部一地區)
Bessarabia 比薩拉比亞;比薩拉比亞;沙拉比亞;
1.He was left only with the 4th Army and the 2nd Corps under his direct command, with which he finished the clean up of Southern Bessarabia by 26 July. 安東內斯庫只留下了羅馬尼亞第4集團軍與第2軍在他的直接指揮下,他指揮這些部隊在7月26日清除了南比薩拉比亞的殘餘之敵。
2.Thus, the talks started in April 1944 in Stockholm, but did not move advance too much, because the marshal refused to give up Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia. 因此,與蘇聯的會談於1944年4月在斯德哥爾摩舉行,但並沒有取得太多進展,因為安東內斯庫拒絕放棄北布科維納和比薩拉比亞。
3.It is widely supposed that Germany agreed to recognize some Russian interests in the Balkans, most probably in Rumania's Bessarabia and in eastern Bulgaria and the Isthmus. 德國同意接受俄國在巴爾幹半島的某些利益顯得更加理所當然,更可能會承認在羅馬尼亞的比薩拉比亞的利益和東保加利亞和蘇伊士地峽的利益。