endlessnessn. 無窮,無限
endlessness 無窮;無邊;無窮, 無限;無限;A nd the endlessness that you fear 和你懼怕的無窮無盡;YAnd the endlessness that you fear 和你懼怕的無窮無盡;And the endlessness that you fear 和你無窮的懼怕;苦海無涯令你畏懼;和你所恐懼的永無止境;和你無窮的恐懼;ang the endlessness that you fear 以及令人害怕的無窮無盡;
1.There is a endlessness world. 這裡有一個無盡的世界。
2.With a sure hand, she communicates both the intellectual dynamism of New York—where "talk is a form of play"—and the blank endlessness of the Minnesota landscape. 她以雄健的筆法,將紐約——這個把說話當作一種娛樂的地方的智慧的力量與明尼蘇達州的風景中蘊含的無限的空間融合在一起。
3.It is reckoned conclusivly that a heating rolled narrow strip of steel which is made by endlessness hard and cold material containing element Ni, Cr and Mo, will be widely used. 診斷結果認為高鎳鉻鉬無限冷硬鑄鐵材質在熱軋窄帶鋼用精軋工作輥還有發展、完善的空間。