perylenen. 二萘嵌苯
perylene 二萘嵌苯;迫聯萘;苝;Perylene Scarlet 苝猩紅;苝紅BL;紅色粉末;Perylene Maroon 芘紅褐;芘紅L 4120;Perylene Vermillion 苝紅L;苝朱紅;Perylene Red 芘紅;
1.It is shown that the monolayer forms aggregates on surface of the "V" model of Perylene Polyimide. 單層銀在聚苝酰亞胺「V」形開口向上的表面上形成了聚集體。
2.The result of ab initio calculation shows that the main interaction of Ag/Perylene Polyimide interface is the physical interaction. 量化計算結果表明銀與聚苝酰亞胺表面之間的相互作用主要是物理作用。
3.By analyzing Perylene Dichroism electron spectra, this paper studies relationship of tropism axis, tropism face and molecule plane in Biaxially-stretched PVA polymer film method experiments. 通過對苝的二向色性電子光譜的解析,討論了拉伸高分子膜法光譜實驗中取向軸面及分子平面的關係。