





n. atomic number 4 ,beryllium ,gluciniumv. comprise ,equal ,exist ,follow


v. differ


be[ॼຢi:, ॼౢi]prep. 在,存在;是


be 比利時;丙烯酸乳膠外牆塗料;鈹;鹼剩餘;be sanctimonious 道貌岸然;be indignant 憤憤不平;be good 聽話;做個好人》;方力申;方力申 想你好;be born 出生於;出生;出生(於);碧邦孕裝;


1.「To be or not to be」 is the ultimate question. 「活下去還是不活下去」是首要問題。

2.I must be a kapok beside you. 我必須是妳近旁的一株木棉。

3.She promised to be a film star. 她有希望成為一名電影明星。


Will it be too late if I call around 9:00 tonight? - 如果我在晚上9點左右打來會不會太晚?

She'll be back around 2:30. - 大概兩點半會回來。

That's nice. I'll be waiting for her call. Thank you. - 太好了,那我就等她的電話。謝謝。

I'll be here when he calls back. Much appreciated. - 他打電話時我會在這,太感謝你了!

We're having a small to-do, and I'd really be happy if you come. - 我們打算熱鬧一下,我真心的希望你能賞光。

I'm afraid I'll be tied up tomorrow at ten. - 恐怕明天上午10點我很忙。

Yes. That would be much better. - 行,那樣也好。

Would two o'clock be acceptable? - 兩點鐘合適嗎?

Thank you. I will be there on time. - 謝謝你,我會準時到的。

By the way, will we be able to get a refund on this cancellation? - 順便問一下,我們取消後可拿回定金嗎?

I'm calling to know if it would be at all possible to cancel our reservation. - 我打電話想知道我們的預約是否有可能取消。

We can have somebody come by, but it won't be right away. - 我們可以派人去,但現在不行。

Oh, let's see. It'll be about 3:30 before we have anybody free. - 哦,讓我想想。大概要到3:30我們才有空。

Will you be so kind as to help me out of the difficulty? - 幫助我克服困難,好嗎?

Well. It will be up immediately. - 好,立即給你送去。

They'll be at your door within a few minutes. - 他們會盡快送到你的門口。

When would you be fond of receiving the call? - 你喜歡什麼時候叫您?

OK. There will be a taxi waiting outside in 10 minutes. - 好,10分鐘後會有一部出租車在外面等候。

Good. Thank you. I'll be right down. - 好,謝謝你。我馬上下來。

Will you be stopping anywhere else before going to the train station. - 去火車站之前是否還到別的地方?

Would you be driving straight to the train station? - 您想直接去火車站嗎?

Mr. Lu, we are very pleased to be able to offer this product to you. - 陸先生,我們很高興能提供這個產品給您。

I know you must be excited to go home after such a long business trip. - 出差這麼久,終於要回家了,我想你一定很高興。

I am sure. So, we'll be expecting the first shipment in less than a month. - 那當然。我們都希望第一批貨在一個月之內可以裝船。

Yes, that's right. They'll be there in no time. - 沒錯,貨很快就會運到。

I want to thank you for placing such a big order with us. You won't be disappointed. - 謝謝你下了這麼大的訂單,你一定不會失望的。

And I'll be able to show you around our city. - 我可以帶你在我們那兒四處看看。

How fast can my mail be received? - 我的信件多快會被收到?

How soon will my mail be received by the other end? - 我的信件多快能被對方收到?

Are you carrying any items that need to be declared? - 你沒有攜帶需要申報的東西嗎?

Do you have anything that must be claimed? - 難道你沒需要申報的東西嗎?

I would be interested in a ten-day trip around Christmas time. - 我有興趣在聖誕節前後去玩10天。

OK. But don't delay too long. Or that trip will be all booked. - 好,但不要拖太久,否則會訂滿的。

Roast duck. There will be a slight delay for that. - 烤鴨。那會稍微慢一點。

Oh, sorry. There must be some mistake. - 哦,抱歉,一定是弄錯了。

That'll be thirty-six dollars, sir. - 先生,車費是36元。

I'll be satisfied with a small one. - 小型車就很令我滿意了。

When would you be available to start work here? - 你什麼時候可以開始來這邊上班?

I plan to leave the present job in order to be able to get into the advertising business. - 我想離開目前的工作是為了進入廣告業務以尋求發展。

so I thought it would be a good place for me to make use of the experience I have had. - 所以,我想這裡會是運用我已有經驗的好地方。

I think it would be building team spirit among my co-workers. - 我認為就是我在同事間建立了團隊精神。

What is the most important thing for you to be happy? - 你認為對你來說開心最重要的是什麼?

I think I am rather outgoing. I enjoy working with others. But sometimes I'll be alone. - 我想我較外向。喜歡和人合作,有時也想獨處。

I think it will be a mutually beneficial relationship. - 我認為那將是對雙方都有利的關係。

What would you like to be doing two years from now? - 兩年後你希望自己在做什麼?

Would that be satisfactory? - 你覺得滿意嗎?

Yes, I'm quite satisfied. That would be more than I have expected. - 我很滿意,比我期望的要多。

You must be very tired after the journey. - 旅行之後,您一定累了吧!

You must be hungry by now. - 你現在一定餓了。

The selection here is very large, it may be difficult to choose. - 這裡有很多式樣可以選,可能很難決定。


decoction to be taken at any time - 不拘時服

be over active - 亢奮

be over active - 亢進

ginseng should be decocted alone - 人參另煎

make the mineral drugs to be pure and fine - 使這些礦物類藥物純淨細膩

to be decocted first - 先煎

The method may be of two forms - 其法有二

be manifested by - 其表現是

be taken cool; decoction to be taken cool - 冷服

be made into powder ifor oral use - 製成散劑服用

be beneficial to yin - 助陰

be laid under - 臥病

be bedridden - 臥病在床

be rid of - 去掉

be enlarged bilaterally - 雙側增大

be down with fever - 發熱病倒了

be deranged; go insane; madden - 發瘋

decoct later; to be decocted later - 後下

be warm with wine - 喝灑後興奮

be flushed with exercise - 因體育鍛煉而臉上發紅

be in a fever - 在發燒

a mormal pulse in summer should be full - 夏應中矩

be over active - 太積極

be obtuse in understanding - 頭腦遲鈍

be taken as lozenge - 宜含服

be seized with gout - 害痛風症

be easy to cause chest distress - 容易引起胸悶

be often used with - 常與同用

n. surface to be coated - 待塗敷表面

be in bad etmper - 心情不好

be pregnant; gestation; pregnancy - 懷孕

be pregnant; pregnancy - 懷胎

be aggravated by emotional upset - 情志不遂則重

be given cautiously - 慎用

be rid of - 擺脫

be susceptible to the common cold - 易於感冒

be blunt in mentality - 智力和反應遲鈍

be in a fever - 有寒熱

be helpful to the mental and physical health - 有益於身心健康

be of stronger tranquilizing property - 有較強的鎮靜作用

either one of the following may be supplied - 木通

be under age - 未滿成年

be decocted in water for oral dose - 水煎服

be mixed with wate - 水調

be addicted to... - 沉溺於...

be clean and dry - 洗淨涼干

n. surface to be coated - 塗敷表面

lung-energy should be kept pure and descendant; the lung-qi being kept pure and descendant; the lung-qi being kept pure and desendant - 清肅肺氣

to be taken warm - 溫服

the accumulated damp-heat can not be dissolved - 濕熱蘊結不解


n.夏應中矩 - a mormal pulse in summer should be full

n.禁針穴 - a profuse sweating should be contraindicated

n.不拘時服 - decoction to be taken at any time

n.冷服 - decoction to be taken cool

n.熱服 - decoction to be taken hot

n.頓服 - decotion to be taken at a draught

n.煎水代茶飲 - drugs to be decocted and taken as a drink

n.煎水外洗 - drugs to be decocted and used as a lotion

n.木通 - either one of the following may be supplied

n.人參另煎 - ginseng should be decocted alone

B型肝炎e抗原,HBe抗原 - hepatitis Be antigen

n.給他開幾付 - how many doess should be given to him

n.胎元不固 - liability to be abortion

n.清肅肺氣 - lung-energy should be kept pure and descendant

n.使這些礦物類藥物純淨細膩 - make the mineral drugs to be pure and fine

n.濕熱蘊結不解 - the accumulated damp-heat can not be dissolved

n.逸者行之 - the disorder of qi and blood should be readjusted

n.其法有二 - The method may be of two forms

n.該脈沉取應指 - The pulse can be taken on deep palpation

n.臟腑失養 - The zang-fu organs fail to be nourished

n.調醋外搽 - to be aplied externally after mixing with vinegar

n.調醋外 - to be applied externally after mixing with vingar

n.煎水代茶飲 - to be decocted and taken as a drink

n.煎水外洗 - to be decocted and used as a lotion

n.先煎 - to be decocted first

n.後下 - to be decocted later

n.飯後服 - to be taken after meal

n.調服 - to be taken after mixing with liquid

n.頓服 - to be taken at a draught

n.飯前服 - to be taken before meal

n.冷服 - to be taken cool

n.頻服 - to be taken in small doses at short intervals

n.空腹服 - to be taken on an empty stomach

n.溫服 - to be taken warm

n.酒送服 - to be taken with wine


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