英文諺語 3120 句(二)
第 270 部分
1 . They bray most that can do least.說話最多的人,能做的事最少。
2 . They that marry in green, their sorrow is soon seen.過早地結婚,不久必悔恨。
3 . They that marry in green,their sorrow is soon seen.年紀輕輕就結婚,為時不久便悔恨。
4 . They must hunger in frost that will not work in heat.少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。
5 . They that (or who) live longest see most.活得最長,見識最廣。
6 . They assume most who know the least.懂得最少的人自以為最了不起。
7 . They are never alone accompanied by noble thoughts.思想高尚者決不會孤單。
8 . They that do nothing learn to do ill.游手好閒,容易學壞。
9 . They die well that live well.活著正常的人死也正常。
10 . They that live longest must die at last.活得最久長,終難免一亡。