1 . I'd like to introduce you to some of my friends.我想介紹你認識一些我的朋友。
2 . What year are you?你是哪一級的?
3 . I'd like you to meet the head of the student relations committee.我想見見學生關係委員會主席。
4 . Can you give me a hand with my homework?你能幫忙教我做家庭作業嗎?
5 . Can you tell me something about the student body?誰是學生會主席?
6 . I'm a senior here, so let me know if I can help you with anything.我是大四的老生,有什麼能幫忙的儘管說一聲。
7 . Do you want to get together and study sometime?你想和我一起學習嗎?
8 . Do you have any plans after class today?今天下課後你有什麼安排嗎?
9 . I'm a foreign student, and I'd like to make some new friends.我是個外國學生, 我想交幾個新朋友。
10 . I'm new here, can you help me find my way around?我是新來的,你能帶我轉轉嗎?