Lesson 27 Mrs Smith's living room英語對話,新概念英語第一冊,英語Lesson 27 Mrs Smith's living room對白,Lesson 27 Mrs Smith's living room英文怎麽說



Lesson 27 Mrs Smith's living room用英語怎麽說


Lesson 27 Mrs Smith's living room

1 . The television is near the window.電視機靠近窗子。

2 . There are some books on the stereo.音響上面有幾本書。

3 . The pictures are on the wall.畫掛在牆上。

4 . Mrs. Smith's living room is large.史密斯夫人的客廳很大。

5 . There is a stereo in the room.客廳裡有台立體聲音響。

6 . There is a television in the room.客廳裡有台電視機。

7 . There are some magazines on the television.電視機上放著幾本雜誌。

8 . There are some pictures in the room.客廳裡有幾幅畫。

9 . The armchairs are near the table.那些扶手椅靠近桌子。

10 . There are some armchairs in the room.客廳裡有幾把扶手椅。

11 . There is a table in the room.客廳裡有張桌子。

12 . The stereo is near the door.音響靠近門。

13 . There are some newspapers on the table.桌上放著幾份報紙。

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