1 . She was so happy that she shed tears of delight.她因為太幸福了,所以喜極而泣。
2 . You will leap for joy when you hear the answer.如果你聽到了答案,你會高興的跳起來的。
3 . I will be very glad when I receive the letter.如能接到你的來信,我將會非常高興。
4 . His friend was filled with joy over the good news.他的朋友因得知這個好消息而雀躍。
5 . Jeff was not pleased with his school grades.傑夫不滿意自己在學校的成績。
6 . John's parents will rejoice at his safe return.約翰的雙親會因他的安然歸來而驚喜萬分。
7 . Are you pleased at the idea of going?你樂意跟我去嗎?
8 . Jenny is delighted with her poem.珍妮為自己做的詩感到高興。
9 . Aren't you relieved that your puppy was finally found?你的小狗終於找回來了,你應該安心了吧?