1 . We'll get it right out for you.我們馬上就出貨。
2 . Good, we need it.好,我們等著要這批貨。
3 . There was some confusion about our last shipment.上一批貨把我們搞得迷迷糊糊。
4 . Why?what happened.為什麼?怎麼啦?
5 . I'm calling to see what happened to our last order.我打電話來是想知道上次訂的貨怎麼樣啦?
6 . When could you make a delivery?你們什麼時候可以交貨啊?
7 . It will be there.沒問題,會送到的。
8 . I'll see that doesn't happen again.我會注意以後不會再發生那樣的事。
9 . That is scheduled for shipment the day after tomorrow.預定後天就可裝船了。
10 . The order number wasn't anywhere on any of the boxes.所有的條子都沒打上訂貨號碼啊!
11 . Is this a rush order?這批貨急嗎?