Unit 28 Mainly Revision英語對話,初二英語課文,英語Unit 28 Mainly Revision對白,Unit 28 Mainly Revision英文怎麽說



Unit 28 Mainly Revision用英語怎麽說


Unit 28 Mainly Revision

1 . I can help myself, thanks.我自己來,謝謝。

2 . With these words the tiger jumped into the river. He did not come out again.說完這些話,老虎就跳進河裡去了。他再也沒有上來。

3 . He's younger and stronger than you are.他比你年輕,比你強壯。

4 . Every day he made one of the smaller animals bring him something to eat.每天他讓一隻小動物拿東西來給他吃。

5 . I can't do that, Mr Tiger, said the monkey.「我不能這麼做呀,老虎先生,」猴子說

6 . Grrr ! So you told Monkey not to bring me anything! Grr I'll kill you!「嗯……!原來是你叫猴子不要給我拿東西!嗯……我要宰了你!」

7 . There's another tiger in the forest.這林子裡還有另外一隻老虎。

8 . Look at his big teeth. Isn't he bigger than you?瞧他的大牙齒。他的塊頭不是比你大嗎?

9 . He didn't often go to look for food himself.他不經常自己去尋找食物。

10 . What was wrong with Jim ? Did he hurt himself?吉姆怎麼啦?他傷著自己啦?

11 . Hello, Jim! Help yourself to a cake.你好,吉姆!請隨便吃糕點。

12 . One morning the tiger was very, very hungry.一天早上老虎餓極了。

13 . Can I get a drink ?我給你拿點飲料好嗎?

14 . Ha ha ha! Goodbye, Mr Tiger,laughed the monkey and he went away.「哈哈哈!再見,老虎先生,」猴子哈哈大笑,走開了。

15 . The mondey took the tiger to a big river.猴子領著老虎來到一條大河邊。

16 . Look into the river, said the monkey. There he is! See his head?「往河裡看,」猴子說,「他就在那裡!看見他的頭了嗎?

17 . He told me not to bring you anything.他吩咐我不要給你帶什麼東西。

18 . Once there was an old tiger.從前有一隻年邁的老虎。

19 . What! shouted the tiger.Another tiger? I want see him.I'll speak to him.什麼!老虎吼叫起來,「另一隻老虎!我要見他。我要跟他談談。」

20 . Come with me, Mr Tiger, said the monkey. You'll see him yourself.「跟我來,老虎先生,」猴子說,「你自己見見他吧。」

21 . Yes, thank you. We enjoyed ourselves very much.挺好,謝謝你。我們玩得非常愉快。

22 . Hello! Did you enjoy yourselves at the party ?你好!你們在晚會上玩得愉快嗎?

23 . He said to a monkey, I'm hungry, Monkey. Go and bring me some food.「我餓了,猴子。去給我拿些吃的東西來。」

24 . A little. He fell and hit his leg on a table.But he's OK now.傷了點兒。他跌倒了,腿撞在桌子上。但是現在已經好了。

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