Unit 10 Mr Green's problem
1 . But of course, he can learn by himself. He has a book and a dictionary.但當然,他也可以自學。他有書和詞典。
2 . Hello! Could I speak to the headmaster, please?您好!我能和校長通話嗎?
3 . Good morning, Mr. Zhang. I'm sorry to trouble you.早上好,張先生。很抱歉打擾您。
4 . That's why I've come to see you.這就是我來見您的原因。
5 . Not at all! Please sit down, Mr. Green. Would you like a cup of tea?沒關係!請坐,格林先生。你喝茶嗎?
6 . That's very kind of you, but I want to speak to him about my son, Jim Green.你真好,謝謝您。不過我想和校長談談我兒子吉姆·格林的事情。
7 . I'll leave a message on his desk.我將把留言條放在他的桌子上。
8 . I know. But even that is not enough.我知道。即使那樣也還是不夠的。
9 . Are you free later today, Mr. Green?您今天晚些時候有空嗎,格林先生?
10 . I think so. What time?我想可以。什麼時間來呢?
11 . Hold on for a moment, please. I'm sorry he isn't here right now. May I help you?請稍等一下。對不起,他現在不在這裡。我能幫您的忙嗎?
12 . All right! Thank you very much. I'll give you a call.好吧!非常感謝。我會給您打電話的。
13 . Yes, that's possible.可以,那是可能的。
14 . Are you able to come tomorrow?明天你能來嗎?
15 . Is he? I'm sorry to hear that.是嗎?對此我感到遺憾。
16 . Except Chinese, I'm afraid!恐怕除了中文差一些!
17 . Yes, that would be fine.可以,這時間對我很合適。
18 . But I'm worried about his Chinese.He may fall behind the other students when he comes back.但我擔心他的中文。等他回來後,他可能會落到其他同學後面。
19 . I know. I can help him with most of his subjects.我知道。我可以幫助他學習絕大多數科目。
20 . Sorry. I'm free every day except today.對不起。我每天都有空,唯獨今天沒空。
21 . He's doing well in all his lessons. He's not lazy. He'll do very well in the exams.他各門功課都學得很好。他從不懶。他考試會考得很好的。
22 . I'll ask Mr. Hu. I'm sure that he won't mind. We may talk again next week.我問問胡先生。我相信他是不會介意的。我們可以下周再談。
23 . Yes, London. The whole family's going for two months.對,我們住在倫敦。我們全家打算住兩個月。
24 . No, thanks.不喝,謝謝您。
25 . I know that he's doing his best, but he says that he is a little weak in Chinese.我知道他非常努力,但他說他的中文有點兒差。
26 . I'm afraid that Jim will miss a lot of his lessons.恐怕這麼一來,吉姆要缺很多課了。
27 . He's not in trouble, I hope!我希望他沒有遇到麻煩!
28 . I'm afraid that he'll forget it if he misses so many lessons. He may even fail his Chinese exam.如果他再缺這麼多課,恐怕他會忘記很多的。他的漢語考試甚至會不及格。
29 . It's true that he may fall behind the other students.真的,他可能會落在其他同學的後面。
30 . You see, we've been in China for over two years now, so we are travelling back to England soon for a holiday.您知道,我們到中國已有兩年多時間了,所以不久後我們就要回英國度假了。
31 . It's possible. Two months is quite a long time.這是很有可能的。兩個月是相當長的一段時間。
32 . Thank you very much. Goodbye!非常感謝。再見!
33 . He's already a little weak in Chinese.他的中文已經有點兒弱了。
34 . It's about my son Jim.我想談談我兒子吉姆的事情。
35 . What can I do for you?我能為您做點什麼?
36 . Really? Where will you stay in England -- the capital?真的嗎?你們在英國住在哪兒--首都嗎?
37 . I would like to see him as soon as possible, please.我想要盡快見到他。
38 . I think that maybe his Chinese teacher will give Jim some work to do during the holiday.我想吉姆的漢語老師也許會給他佈置一些假期作業。