Unit 25 The visit to Monkey Island英語對話,初二英語課文,英語Unit 25 The visit to Monkey Island對白,Unit 25 The visit to Monkey Island英文怎麽說



Unit 25 The visit to Monkey Island用英語怎麽說


Unit 25 The visit to Monkey Island

1 . We don't want to go there.我們不想去那兒!

2 . No! But the children are not alone. There are some animals on the island.沒有!但島上並非只有孩子們。島上還有一些動物。

3 . No, let's go to the farther one.不,到遠一點的那個去吧。

4 . I'm afraid! cried Kate. Let's push the boat out and go home!「我害怕!」凱特喊道,「我們把船推下水回家去吧!」

5 . No, we must stay here and find our lunch.「不,我們必須留在這兒並找到我們的午飯!」

6 . Then the food won't get too hot. We must keep it cool.「這樣食物才不會變得太熱。我們得讓它涼著。」

7 . Why not?為什麼不去?

8 . Bring the picnic basket up here, under this big tree, said Ann.「把野餐籃子拿到這兒來,放在這棵大樹下,」安說。

9 . Are there any other other people on the island?島上有人(居住)嗎?

10 . They picked lots of bananas, and took them back to the boat.他們搞了很多香蕉,並帶回船上。

11 . The picnic basket was no longer under the tree.樹下的野餐籃不見了。

12 . She started to run to the boat.她拔腿就往小船跑去。

13 . The children land on the island.孩子們登上那個島。

14 . The children pulled the boat up from the water. Then they started to look around the island.孩子們把船從水中拉了上來。然後他們開始察看海島的四周。

15 . OK, said Jim. We can have some for our picnic lunch.「好,」吉姆說,「我們午餐可以吃點香蕉。」

16 . Great! Shall I bring food for a picnic?好極了!我要帶些野餐食品來嗎?

17 . They talked and laughed happily. Then they saw some banana trees.他們說說笑笑,很開心。後來他們看見一些香蕉樹。

18 . Help! said Bruce. The basket isn't here!「來人啊!」布魯斯說,「籃子不見了!」

19 . Yes, there is somebody or something. Maybe it's a tiger!有,有人或者什麼東西。可能是一隻老虎!

20 . No problem. We'll go to the small one then.沒問題。那麼我們就去小的那個吧。

21 . There may be some dangerous animals on this island.「這島上可能有些危險動物。」

22 . I feel a little afraid, said Kate. I'm sure I can smell something.「我感到有點害怕,」凱特說。「我敢肯定我覺察到什麼了。」

23 . I want to pick some bananas, said Kate. I'm hungry!「我要摘些香蕉,」凱特說,「我餓了!」

24 . No, I can't hear anything.沒有,我什麼也沒聽見。

25 . Can't you hear anything?你沒聽見什麼嗎?

26 . It's too far. The smaller one is nearer, and we've never been there before.那個太遠。小一點的那個近些,我們以前還從未去過那兒呢!

27 . said Jim. Somebody or something took it. We won't go until we get it back again!吉姆說,「什麼人或者什麼東西把它拿走了。不把它找回來我們就不走!」

28 . Behind those trees.在那些樹後面。

29 . There's something wrong woth your ears. I think there's something near us.你的耳朵有點毛病!我想我們附近有什麼東西。

30 . It'll be cool there,said Ah Fang.「那兒涼快,」阿芳說。

31 . No, it's too small. Let's go to the farthest instead. It's more interesting.不,那個太小了。還是去最遠的那個吧。那更有趣!

32 . Are you coming with us tomorrow ? Uncle Li said we could borrow his boat.明天你和我們一起去嗎?李叔叔說我們可以借用他的船。

33 . No! There's nobody there.沒有!什麼人也沒有!

34 . I can hear something! said Lucy.Does anybody live on this island?「我聽到什麼東西了!」露茜說,「島上有人居住嗎?」

35 . The children started to walk around the island.孩子們開始繞著小島散步。

36 . What a good idea! See you tomorrow! Bye!好主意!明天見!再見!

37 . Don't worry! said Ah Fang.We're safe. Don't be afraid. Let's go for a walk.「不用擔心!」阿芳說,「我們很安全。別害怕,我們去散散步吧。」

38 . The boat is not safe, said Ah Fang. Let's pull it out of the water.「這船不安全,」阿芳說,「讓我們把它從水裡拉出來吧。」

39 . Let's go to the first island.我們到第一個島上去吧。

40 . No!We're alone here. We're all by ourselves, said Jim. Isn't that great?「沒有!就我們在這兒。就我們這夥人,」吉姆說,「這不是很好嗎?」

41 . Time for our lunch, said Bruce. Then he looked around. Oh dear! I don't understand!「午飯時間到了,」布魯斯說。然後他看看四周。「天啊!我弄不明白了!」

42 . The twins took the basket from the boat and put it under the tree.雙胞姐妹把籃子從船上拿起,放在樹下。

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