Unit 7 Earthquakes
1 . Sure I was. I'll never forget that.我當然在那兒了。我永遠都不會忘記那次地震。
2 . So, in an earthquake, the earth shakes.因此,地震時,地球震動。
3 . First I heard a noise.我最先聽見一陣響聲。
4 . I was in the kitchen cooking something and I felt the floor move.我正在廚房煮東西,感到地板在震動。
5 . What was it like?那次地震怎麼樣?
6 . The earth shook for quite a while.地面震動了好一陣子。
7 . It was like being on a boat.就好像是坐在一條小船上一樣。
8 . It means to shake.它的意思是「震動」。
9 . Carl, what does quake mean, as in the word earthquake?卡爾,earthquake這個詞中的「quake」是什麼意思?
10 . The house moved and a few pictures fell off the wall, but that was all.房屋也在動,幾幅畫從牆上掉下來,但只是這些。
11 . Yes, but not very.是的,但不是很害怕。
12 . Very strange. It was my first earthquake, you see, and I didn't know what was happening.很奇怪。那是我第一次經歷地震,你瞧,我當時還不知道發生了什麼事。
13 . What happened next?接著怎麼樣了?
14 . Yes. It sounded like a train that was going under my house.是的。這響聲聽起來像是一列火車在從我的房子下面駛過。
15 . And so do you, if you're afraid, and if the earthquake's a big one.假如是強地震,如果你害怕,你也會抖動的。
16 . And then I watched all the glasses that were on the table fall off onto the floor.接著我看到桌上所有的玻璃杯都掉到了地板上。
17 . Were you in San Francisco at the time of the big earthquake in 1989?1989年舊金山大地震時,你在那兒嗎?