1 . Can I ring you up?我可以給你打電話嗎?
2 . Can I call you sometime?我能給你打電話嗎?
3 . How can I reach you?我怎樣才能聯繫到你呢?
4 . What number are you at?你的電話號碼是什麼?
5 . What number do I dial?我應該撥哪個號碼呢?
6 . Are you listed?在電話號碼本上能找到你嗎?
7 . Hey, can I get your telephone number.我能得到你的電話號碼嗎?
8 . Do you have a cell phone?你有手機嗎?
9 . What's your telephone number?你的電話號碼是多少?
10 . How can I get in touch with you?我怎樣和你聯繫呢?