Unit 15 Famous英語對話,高二英語課文,英語Unit 15 Famous對白,Unit 15 Famous英文怎麽說



Unit 15 Famous用英語怎麽說


Unit 15 Famous

1 . Right, I'll make a note of that.沒錯,我把它記下來。

2 . I've got some personal affairs that I have to see to, but I've also got some time to visit some relatives.我還有些個人的事得去料理一下,但我也得抽些時間去看看一些親戚。

3 . I hope you have a good journey back to Guangzhou.祝你回廣州時一路順風。

4 . Hello, Mr. Ball. Do come in.你好,鮑爾先生。請進來。

5 . Goodbye, Dr Zhang.再見,張醫生。

6 . Now I can make my plans for the rest of the month.現在我可以安排這個月其餘時間的活動了。

7 . Goodbye. Thanks again for calling.再見!再次感謝你的來訪。

8 . I'd like you to meat Dr Zhang.我想讓你見見張先生。

9 . It's very kind of you to call.謝謝你來告訴我。

10 . I'm afraid I have to go now.現在我得走了。

11 . It's time I went and picked up my little girl from school.我該去學校接我的小女兒了。

12 . Please remember me to your wife.請代我向你的夫人問候。

13 . Goodbye, Mrs. Zhu.再見,朱夫人。

14 . All right. Just for a minute. I came to give you a message.好!稍等一會兒。我來給你捎個口信。

15 . He's here on a visit from Guangzhou.他從廣州來這裡參觀訪問。

16 . Mrs. Zhu, I called to tell you that the conference has been delayed until the 15th and 16th.朱夫人,我來告訴你會議已經推遲到了15號至16號開。

17 . Thank you very much. It was nice to meet you.非常感謝。見到你真高興。

18 . How do you do ? Are you having a nice time in Beijing?你好!你在北京玩得愉快嗎?

19 . I meant to tell you yesterday, but you were not in your office.我原想昨天告訴你的,但你沒在辦公室。

20 . Yes, very nice, thank you.是的,非常愉快,謝謝。

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