Unit 9 Gymnastics英語對話,高三英語課文,英語Unit 9 Gymnastics對白,Unit 9 Gymnastics英文怎麽說



Unit 9 Gymnastics用英語怎麽說


Unit 9 Gymnastics

1 . That sounds very interesting! I'll buy some frozen peas at the supermarket on my way home.聽起來很有趣!我回家時在超級市場買些凍豌豆。

2 . Good morning. What can I do for you?早上好。你哪裡不舒服?

3 . There's something wrong with my left shoulder. I hurt it while I was doing gym. I've got a pain here too.我的左肩疼痛。我做體操時受傷了。這裡也疼。

4 . I was doing some exercises on the high-and-low bars. When I landed, I fell forward and hurt myself. Someone was standing too close and I knocked into him and fell over onto my shoulder.我當時在高低槓上練習。落地時向前摔倒受了傷。有人站的離我太近,我撞在他身上,跌了一跤,肩膀也受了傷。

5 . Use this treatment twice a day for a week. And another thing, at the end of the week, throw the frozen peas away. They won't be fit to eat.一天治療兩次,一周為一個療程。還有,一周以後要把凍豌豆扔掉。它們不能吃。

6 . The change between hot and cold temperatures makes the blood move around the shoulder and the damaged parts begin to repair themselves.冷熱交替使肩膀周圍的血液循環,受傷的部位開始自己修復。

7 . It's quite simple. You put a very hot, wet cloth on your shoulder for one minute. Then put a packet of frozen peas on the shoulder for one minute. And so on and so on.很簡單。你把一塊很熱的濕布敷在肩膀上一分鐘。然後把一包凍豌豆敷在肩膀上一分鐘。這樣反覆幾次。

8 . Here and here. And I can only move my arm as much as this.這兒和這兒。我只能這樣擺動手臂。

9 . Frozen peas? No!凍豌豆?沒有!

10 . It's nothing serious. I think you've been very fortunate. Have you ever used the hot-cloth-and-frozen-peas treatment?不要緊。我認為你非常幸運了。你用過熱布---凍豌豆療法嗎?

11 . What does that do?這有什麼用處呢?

12 . Mmm, I see. It feels a bit tense. what happened exactly?哦,我知道了。摸起來有點硬。到底發生了什麼事?

13 . Let me take a look at your shoulder. Where does it hurt?讓我看看你的肩膀。哪裡疼?

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