瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . Good evening, how may I help you sir?晚上好,你需要幫助嗎?
2 . If there's anything you need while you're in town, just let me know.你在鎮上有什麼需要,就告訴我吧。
3 . Show some courtesy or I shall cease dealing with your company.請客氣些,否則我將停止與你們公司打交道。
4 . Hi, I'm just calling to see if you got home s afely last night.你好,我打電話來確定一下你是否已經安全到家。
5 . So, what would you like to do tonight?你今晚想幹些什麼?
6 . Let them have your parking space, that way you won't come back later to find your car vandalized.讓他們把車停在你的停車位吧,那樣你回來時就不會發現你的車被刮花。
7 . Would you like a beer?你想喝杯啤酒嗎?
8 . While my car is in the shop, they have given me a courtesy car to drive around.我的車還在修理店時,他們給我一輛替代車用。
9 . There's no need to push, we're all in lined you know!沒必要推推擠擠的,我們都在排隊呢。