瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . You will waste a lot of money trying to keep up with the newest fashions every year.為了跟上每年最新的時裝潮流,你得花大把的錢。
2 . I studied fashion design in university but they can't teach you the natural talent which is such an important part of it.我曾經在大學裡學過時裝設計,但在這方面有天賦的老師卻無法教授,而天賦對時裝設計又是極其重要的。
3 . Did you see what she was wearing?你看到她穿的是什麼?
4 . Some people look good wearing simple clothes, while others need to go all out in the fashion stakes.一些人穿著簡單看起來也不錯,而另外一些人穿得時髦點才行。
5 . I have no idea about fashion there days, which is why I dress so plainly.我對現在的時裝潮流一竅不通,這就是我穿得這麼普通的原因。
6 . Most of what we see in the fashion shows is quite impractical for daily wear.時裝表演上我們所看到的大多數服裝並不適合於做日常衣著。
7 . You look terrible!你的穿著看起來真糟糕!
8 . She's quite used to treading the catwalk.她已經習慣了走貓步。
9 . I just can't bring myself to spend a month's salary on a pair of shoes.我才不願意把一個月的薪水花在一雙鞋上。
10 . World fashion used to be dictated almost entirely by the European designers.世界時間潮流過去幾乎都是由歐洲設計師所引導的。