談困境英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語談困境對白,談困境英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . If you don't finish your homework, you'll be in big, big trouble.如果你不完成作業,你就有大麻煩了。

2 . Hei mister, I'm lost.先生我迷路了。

3 . Sorry to trouble you, do you have these shirts in any other colors?麻煩你了,你們有其他顏色的這種襯衫嗎?

4 . I never bother servicing my own car, it's too much trouble.我從來都不自己修車的,麻煩死了。

5 . If you have any trouble, let me know.如果你有任何的麻煩,請告訴我。

6 . Don't walk on the grass or you'll be in trouble with the law.不要踏進草地,不然的話法律會找你麻煩的。

7 . There's nothing's as troublesome as a naughty clild.沒有東西比淘氣的孩子更麻煩了。

8 . I'll save your Dad the trouble; I'll pick her up.不麻煩你爸了,我去接她吧。

9 . Could I trouble you for directions?打擾了,我想問問路。

10 . Hi, this is Tony, I have a flat tire, could you come and pick me up?你好,我是托尼,我的車爆胎了,你能來接我嗎?

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瘋狂英語 900 句