瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . Don't rely on you mood when making decisions.決策的時候不要意氣用事。
2 . I have a new puppy and he has an excellent temperament.我有只新的小狗,它的脾氣很好。
3 . When my girlfriend rings me out of the blue, I'm in a good mood for the rest of the day.我突然接到女朋友的電話,接下來的一整天我的心情都很好。
4 . Not now, I'm not in the mood for an argument.別這樣,我可不想吵架。
5 . What can I do to cheer her up?我要怎麼做才可以讓她振作起來?
6 . When my grandpa is in a bad mood, he's grouchy with everyone.爺爺脾氣壞的時候,對所有的人都不滿意。
7 . Stop being so moody.不要這麼喜怒無常。
8 . Why are you in such a good mood?為什麼你的心情那麼好?
9 . I'm in the mood for soft serve ice cream.我想吃現裝雪糕。
10 . If the mood takes me, I'll head down the beach for an evening stroll.如果心情不好,傍晚我會到海邊散步。