談婚姻英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語談婚姻對白,談婚姻英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . Marriage is an institution not to be taken lightly.婚姻是個不能兒戲的體系。

2 . If you're not sure, then the answer should probably be no.如果你不確定,那麼答案可能就是「不」了。

3 . Until we're married, you're not staying over.我們結婚時,你才可以留下來。

4 . If you've been with someone for this length of time you'll have to ask yourself what reservations have I got?如果你和某人生活了這麼長時間,你得問一下自己,你對這段婚姻滿意嗎?

5 . If I marry you, there are going to be some ground rules.要我嫁給你,有一些基本前提。

6 . A good marriage takes work and shouldn't be based on feelings alone.一段好的婚姻要用心去經營,而不是僅僅建立在感情的基礎上。

7 . More than 50% of marriages are doomed to fall.50%的婚姻都注定以失敗告終。

8 . The other day he finally popped the question.第二天他終於開口求婚了。

9 . I'd like to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage.我希望你能把女兒許配給我。

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瘋狂英語 900 句