談原則英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語談原則對白,談原則英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . Some think that all's fair in business.一些人以為商界的一切都是公平的。

2 . If I tell you I will be there, I will be there.如果我告訴你我會去,我肯定會到。

3 . What's the difference? No one will ever find out.有什麼兩樣?沒有人會發現。

4 . Do you know anyone who can forge a sick note for me?你知道誰可以幫我虛開一張病假條?

5 . I could never sneak into the movies, that's just like stealing.我不能偷偷溜進電影院,那跟偷東西沒有區別。

6 . Do you ever lie to your boyfriend?你騙過你男朋友嗎?

7 . Did you pay for that?你付錢了沒有?

8 . I'll have to stand up and let the elderly lady have my seat.我得起來把座位讓給這個老婆婆。

9 . If you cheat in a test, you've really only cheating yourself.如果你在測驗中作弊的話,你欺騙的只有你自己。

10 . Why do you always tell me at the last minute? Think of my position too.為什麼你總是到最後關頭才告訴我?你也替我想想啊!

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瘋狂英語 900 句