和陌生人相識相知相交 - 瘋狂聯想 - 額外成就感英語對話,瘋狂英語拿手好戲卡,英語和陌生人相識相知相交 - 瘋狂聯想 - 額外成就感對白,和陌生人相識相知相交 - 瘋狂聯想 - 額外成就感英文怎麽說



和陌生人相識相知相交 - 瘋狂聯想 - 額外成就感用英語怎麽說


和陌生人相識相知相交 - 瘋狂聯想 - 額外成就感

1 . The signs of the city never fail to impress the foreign tourists.外國遊客無一不對該城市留有深刻的印象。

2 . We were most impressed with your efficiency.你的工作效率很高,我們極為欽佩。

3 . I happened to over hear what he said.我碰巧聽到了他所說的話。

4 . We've been looking forward to seeing you again.我們非常盼望再見到你。

5 . I know somewhere you can eat Japanese food.我知道個地方,可以吃日本菜。

6 . I'm looking forward to the weekend.我在期待著週末的到來。

7 . I was deeply impressed by his speech.他的演講給我留下深刻的印象。

8 . I enjoyed reading these books very much.我很喜歡讀這些書。

9 . I'm going somewhere else this evening.今晚我要去另外一個地方。

10 . Don't talk so loud, you may be overheard.別這麼大聲說話,別人會聽見的。

11 . Tom doesn't enjoy going to school.湯姆不喜歡上學。

12 . I've known Martin for years.我認識馬丁好多年了。

13 . The book impressed a lot of people.那本書在很多人心中留下深刻印象。

14 . I couldn't help laughing.我忍不住笑出來。

15 . We've known each other since we were children.我們從小就認識。

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