同意、肯定和鼓勵 - 額外成就感(一)
1 . She complained, with reason, that she had been underpaid.她抱怨她的工資一直很低,這也不無道理。
2 . John isn't here today. That figures, he looked very sick yesterday.約翰今天沒有來,怪不得,他昨天就好像不太舒服。
3 . The instructions were not easily understandable.這份說明書不容易理解。
4 . It is absolutely impossible.這是絕對不可能的。
5 . You are right, whatever opinions may be held by others.你做得對,別人怎麼看不必與日俱增。
6 . He sounds just like the person we need for the job.聽起來他正是我們所需要的人,適合在這裡做事。
7 . The scheme is well worth a try.這個計劃倒值得一試。
8 . The book is worth reading.這本書值得一讀。
9 . We aren't going, for the simple reason that we can't afford it.我們不去,原因很簡單,我們負擔不起。
10 . His excuse sounds unconvincing.他說的理由好像不可難。
11 . She finished the race strongly.她很有毅力地跑完了全程。
12 . I feel strongly that I can make it.我堅信我一定能成功。
13 . He felt that his life was no longer worth living.他覺得他的生命已經沒有再活下去的價值了。