求職面試時的“甜言蜜語” - 額外成就感(一)
1 . Exploring outer space is a challenge to mankind.探索外層空間是一項向人類發出的挑戰。
2 . If the fact is published, it will ruin your reputaiton.一旦公佈事實真想就會毀了你的名譽。
3 . The school has a good reputation.這所學校名譽很好。
4 . Chileren should learn about the great accomplishments of their nation.孩子們應該瞭解自己國家的偉大成就。
5 . She has a high reputation as a writer.她是個有名氣的作家。
6 . He has a reputation for honesty.他以誠實著稱。
7 . He has the reputation of being bright.他以頭腦好而聞名。
8 . We accepted their challenge to a baseball game.我們接受了他們棒球邀請賽的挑戰。
9 . This job offers me a real challenge.這項工作對我構成真正的挑戰。
10 . This is no small accomplishment.這是非同小可的成就。