求職面試時的“甜言蜜語” - 額外成就感(二)
1 . One of my great enthusiasms in music.我的一大愛好就是音樂。
2 . She has the ability to speak English fluently.她能夠流利地說英語。
3 . She hasn't been employed for six months now.她已經失業半年了。
4 . We have to advance the building of the new school.我們必須促進新學校的建設。
5 . He is a man of ability.他是個很能幹的人。
6 . I love to organize people.我喜歡做組織工作。
7 . His studies advanced steadily.他的學業不斷進步。
8 . Time moved at a snail's pace before the holiday.假期之前時間過得非常緩慢。
9 . I cannot walk at that pace.我不能以那種步速行走。
10 . That is not consistent with your principles.那與你的原則不符合。