1 . No, I'd rather not watch television tonight.不,今晚我不願看電視。
2 . This is the book that I promised to lend you.這就是我答應借給你的那本書。
3 . Not only did he make a promise, but he also kept it.他不僅許下諾言,而且遵守了。
4 . Shall I turn on the television?我可以打開電視機嗎?
5 . Many people favor building more nuclear power plants.許多人贊同修建更多的核電站。
6 . It was not until the accident happened that I became aware of my own foolishness.直到事故發生我才意識到我自己的愚蠢。
7 . Yes, but I'd rather not have done it.是的,但我寧可沒有這樣做。
8 . The uneducated are more to be pitied than blamed.對未受過教育的人們更多的是要可憐而非責怪。
9 . Did you criticize him for his mistakes?你因為犯錯誤的事批評他了嗎?
10 . I'd met Stone several times before.以前我見過世通幾次。
11 . He will go to America next month, if he is ready then.如果準備就緒,他下個月將去美國。