自我介紹 - 個人全面接觸
1 . My hobbies include tennis and reading.我喜歡打羽毛球、看書。
2 . I was raised on rice in the South.我在南方吃米飯長大。
3 . We want to raise our children to be decent men and women.我們要把我們的孩子培養成正派人。
4 . I am Jason Liu and I'm working for an insurance company in Shenzhen.我叫傑森.劉,在深圳一家保險公司工作。
5 . Hello, it's really great to talk about ourselves and get to know each other.大家好,我們自我介紹並相互認識真是太好了。
6 . If anyone here does one of these things, let me know.這兒如果有人也喜歡打羽毛球或讀書,請告訴我。
7 . I was born and raised in Beijing, and I am 25 years old.我出生在北京,在那裡長大,我今年25歲了。
8 . Music is his chief hobby.音樂是他的主要業餘愛好。
9 . Stamp-collecting is a popular hobby.集郵是一種普遍的業餘愛好。