Unit 19 A freedom fighter
1 . What happened on the march then?那麼 ,在遊行中發生了什麼事?
2 . They said that the march had been forbidden, but that wasn't true.他們說遊行向來是被禁止的,但這不是事實。
3 . We can't go to the public parks or swimming pools.我們不能上公園或是去游泳池。
4 . Haven't you heard?你沒聽說嗎?
5 . We black people of Birmingham want equal rights.我們伯明翰的黑人要求享有平等權利。
6 . We're not treated as equal citizens.我們沒有被當作平等公民對待。
7 . There was a big civil rights march through the centre of Birmingham yesterday.昨天大規模的民權示威遊行經過伯明翰市中心。
8 . I imagine that hurt a lot.我可以想像那是很疼的。
9 . so you're telling me that the situation here is bad for black people.那麼,你是說這裡的情況對黑人來說是很糟了。
10 . It's forbidden.這是受禁止的。
11 . I joined in the march and we were marching peacefully along and then the police came up.我參加了遊行,我們以和平的方式往前行進,這時警察突然來了。
12 . I'm a stranger here. I'm from the west coast. Tell me more.在這兒我是個陌生人。我來自西海岸。告訴我更多的情況吧。
13 . I imagine you're not very interested in politics.我想你一定對政治不感興趣。
14 . Yes, my whole body hurts.是的。我全身都在疼。
15 . For years we've been demanding better housing and jobs.多年來我們一直要求改善住房和工作條件。
16 . Why are you in here?你為什麼在這裡呢?
17 . They told us to go home but we went on.他們要我們回家去,可我們繼續行進。
18 . We want the same rights as the white people in the city.我們要求享有與本市白人平等的權利。
19 . They hit us with their sticks over and over again and put some of us in prison.他們用棍棒一次又一次的打我們,並且把我們中的一些人抓進監獄。
20 . I was on the march.我參加了遊行。