1 . No way. I must get everything ready before noon.不行啊,我必須在中午前把一切都做好。
2 . Hi, John, how's it going?嗨,約翰,你好嗎?
3 . Hi, Anita, long time no see.嗨,安妮塔,好久不見了。
4 . Not too bad. How about yourself?還可以。你怎麼樣?
5 . Take it easy. Don't work too hard.悠著點。不要操勞過度。
6 . I'm exhausted. I had to work until 2 o'clock this morning.我累死了。我一直得干到今天早上2:00。
7 . I've been in China to work on the new project.我一直在中國搞一個新項目。
8 . Yeah, where have you been lately?是啊,你最近到哪兒去了?
9 . Then, take this afternoon off.那麼,今天下午就休息一下吧。
10 . Oh, I see. I've had lots of work to do in New York.哦,原來如此。我在紐約也有好多工作要做。