1 . Eugene could create beautiful images with his paints.尤金能夠把美麗的形象用畫筆畫出來。
2 . Did you watch the new office building being built?你看過在建設中的新的辦公樓嗎?
3 . He uses clay to form images of people.他利用粘土造各種的人像。
4 . The chemist discovered a new synthetic material.化學家發現了新的複合物質。
5 . Slowly, mountains are worn away by the wind.山體逐漸被風化了。
6 . The young wheat sprouted quickly after the rain.雨後,新鮮的麥芽迅速的長了出來。
7 . The racer's car burst into flames just as he had crawled out.當賽車手爬出車子後不久,汽車就爆炸燃燒了起來。
8 . Insecticides destroy many harmful bugs.殺蟲劑能驅除許多害蟲。
9 . Don't drop that bottle on the floor.別讓那只瓶子掉到地上。