1 . The ancient Roman civilization was finally destroyed by the nomadic tribles.古羅馬終於被遊牧民族滅亡了。
2 . A story can be created with these characters.從這些人物可以創造出一篇故事。
3 . Why are all those toys broken?那些玩具為什麼統統壞了?
4 . The poet creates pictures with words.詩人用語言創造萬物。
5 . A forest fire has consumed all the trees here.一場森林大火將此地的樹木焚燒殆盡了。
6 . The locusts completely wiped out this year's crops.蝗蟲使今年的莊稼全毀了。
7 . The restaurant has built up a fine reputation for a good food.那家飯館因飯菜美味可口而建立了良好的聲譽。
8 . His confidence can be destroyed by a harsh word.他的信念,只要受到嚴厲的批評就會崩潰。
9 . From mutual understanding, a comfortable situation has been creation.由於彼此的瞭解,因而建立了愉快的關係。