









大毀滅, 大屠殺




AHD:[h?l「…-k?st」, h?「l…-]

D.J.[6h%l*7k%8st, 6houl*-]

K.K.[6h$l*7k%st, 6hol*-]


(1)Great or total destruction, especially by fire.


(2)Widespread destruction.


(3)A great disaster.


(4)Holocaust The genocide of European Jews and others by the Nazis during World War II:

Holocaust 大屠殺:二戰中納粹對歐洲的猶太人和其他民族實行的種族滅絕:

「Israel emerged from the Holocaust and is defined in relation to that catastrophe」(Emanuel Litvinoff)


(5)A massive slaughter:


「an important document in the so-far sketchy annals of the Cambodian holocaust」(Rod Nordland)


(6)A sacrificial offering that is consumed entirely by flames.



(1)Middle English [burnt offering]

中古英語 [焚燒的祭品]

(2)from Old French holocauste

源自 古法語 holocauste

(3)from Latin holocaustum

源自 拉丁語 holocaustum

(4)from Greek holokauston [from neuter of] holokaustos [burnt whole]

源自 希臘語 holokauston [] 源自holokaustos的中性詞 [全部焚燒]

(5)holo- [holo-]

holo- [前綴,表「完全,整個」]

(6)kaustos [burnt] from kaiein [to burn]

kaustos [被燒的] 源自 kaiein [燒]


holocaustal 或




(1)When referring to the massive destruction of human beings by other human beings, holocaust has a secure place in the language. Fully 99 percent of the Usage Panel accepts the use of holocaust in the phrase nuclear holocaust. Sixty percent accepts the sentence As many as two million people may have died in the holocaust that followed the Khmer Rouge takeover in Cambodia. But because of its associations with genocide, extended applications of holocaust may not always be received with equanimity. When the word is used to refer to death brought about by natural causes, the percentage of the Panel's acceptance drops sharply. Only 31 percent of the Panel accepts the sentence

holocaust 在指人類之間大規模的殺害時用法穩定。 百分之九十九的用法專題使用小組成員接受holocaust 在 nuclear holocaust 中的用法。 百分之六十的成員接受在紅色高棉組織接管柬埔寨之後,高達兩百萬的民眾死於那場大屠殺 。 但由於它和種族滅絕有一定聯繫,人們並不總能很平靜地接受holocaust 的引申用法。 當用這個詞表示由於自然災害引起的死亡時,用法小組接受的百分比明顯下降。只有百分之三十一的成員同意這樣的用法:

In East Africa five years of drought have brought about a holocaust in which millions have died.


(2)Just 11 percent approved the use of holocaust to summarize the effects of the AIDS epidemic. This suggests that other figurative usages such as the huge losses in the Savings and Loan holocaust may be viewed as overblown or in poor taste.

只有百分之十一的成員同意用holocaust 來表示愛滋病流行帶來的災難。 這表明其他修辭性用法,如在在存款和貸款災難中的巨大損失 中可能會被認為誇張或沒品味


Totality of destruction has been central to the meaning of holocaust since it first appeared in Middle English in the 14th century and referred to the biblical sacrifice in which a male animal was wholly burnt on the altar in worship of God. Holocaust comes from Greek holokauston (「that which is completely burnt」), which was a translation of Hebrew ?la (literally 「that which goes up,」 that is, in smoke). In this sense of 「burnt sacrifice,」 holocaust is still used in some versions of the Bible. In the 17th century the meaning of holocaust broadened to 「something totally consumed by fire,」 and the word eventually was applied to fires of extreme destructiveness. In the 20th century holocaust has taken on a variety of figurative meanings, summarizing the effects of war, rioting, storms, epidemic diseases, and even economic failures. Most of these usages arose after World War II, but it is unclear whether they permitted or resulted from the use of holocaust in reference to the mass murder of European Jews and others by the Nazis. This application of the word occurred as early as 1942, but the phrase the Holocaust did not become established until the late 1950's. Here it parallels and may have been influenced by another Hebrew word, sho』ah (「catastrophe」). In the Bible sho』ah has a range of meanings including 「personal ruin or devastation」 and 「a wasteland or desert.」 Sho』ah was first used to refer to the Nazi slaughter of Jews in 1939, but its phrase ha-sho』ah (「the catastrophe」) only became established after World War II. Holocaust has also been used to translate hurban (「destruction」), another Hebrew word used to summarize the genocide of Jews by the Nazis. This sense of holocaust has since broadened to include the mass slaughter of other peoples, but when capitalized it refers specifically to the destruction of Jews and other Europeans by the Nazis and may also encompass the Nazi persecution of Jews that preceded the outbreak of the war.

自從holocaust 在14世紀首次出現於中古英語,表示在祭壇上完整焚燒公獸以示對上帝的虔誠時,完全的毀壞成為它的中心意思。 Holocaust 源於希臘語的 holokauston (「被全部焚燒的東西」), 是對希伯來詞 ?la (直譯為「上升的東西」,也就是變成煙上升的)。 Holocaust 在指「焚燒的祭品」時,仍在好幾個版本的聖經中使用。 17世紀holocaust 的意義擴展到「被火燒盡的東西」, 後來該詞又可喻指災難性嚴重的大火。到了20世紀,holocaust 又有了許多喻義, 可指戰爭、暴動、風暴、傳染病或經濟失敗造成的後果。多數用法出現於二次世界大戰後,但究竟它們是否源於holocaust 指納粹黨對歐洲的猶太人及其他種族的大屠殺的用法還並不清楚。 該詞的這種用法最早出現在1942年,但詞組the Holocaust 在20世紀50年代後期才確立。 它和另外一個希伯來詞sho'ah (「大災難」)相似,並且可能還受其影響。 聖經中sho'ah 有許多意思, 包括「個人毀滅或破壞」和「荒原或沙漠」。Sho'ah 1939年首次用來指納粹分子對猶太人的屠殺, 但是詞組ha-sho'ah (「那場大災難」)在二戰後才確定。 Holocaust 曾一度用來翻譯 hurban ("毀滅」), 另一個用來指納粹對猶太人的種族滅絕的希伯來詞。Holocaust 的這個意義後來也擴展到指對其他民族的大屠殺, 或當其大寫時特指納粹分子對猶太人和其他歐洲人的毀滅政策,或許還包括二戰爆發前納粹分子對猶太人的迫害












(3)大破壞, 浩劫







AHD:[h?l「…-k?st」, h?「l…-]

D.J.[6h%l*7k%8st, 6houl*-]

K.K.[6h$l*7k%st, 6hol*-]


(1)Great or total destruction, especially by fire.

(2)Widespread destruction.

(3)A great disaster.

(4)Holocaust The genocide of European Jews and others by the Nazis during World War II:

「Israel emerged from the Holocaust and is defined in relation to that catastrophe」(Emanuel Litvinoff)

(5)A massive slaughter:

「an important document in the so-far sketchy annals of the Cambodian holocaust」(Rod Nordland)

(6)A sacrificial offering that is consumed entirely by flames.


(1)Middle English [burnt offering]

(2)from Old French holocauste

(3)from Latin holocaustum

(4)from Greek holokauston [from neuter of] holokaustos [burnt whole]

(5)holo- [holo-]

(6)kaustos [burnt] from kaiein [to burn]


holocaustal or




(1)When referring to the massive destruction of human beings by other human beings, holocaust has a secure place in the language. Fully 99 percent of the Usage Panel accepts the use of holocaust in the phrase nuclear holocaust. Sixty percent accepts the sentence As many as two million people may have died in the holocaust that followed the Khmer Rouge takeover in Cambodia. But because of its associations with genocide, extended applications of holocaust may not always be received with equanimity. When the word is used to refer to death brought about by natural causes, the percentage of the Panel's acceptance drops sharply. Only 31 percent of the Panel accepts the sentence

In East Africa five years of drought have brought about a holocaust in which millions have died.

(2)Just 11 percent approved the use of holocaust to summarize the effects of the AIDS epidemic. This suggests that other figurative usages such as the huge losses in the Savings and Loan holocaust may be viewed as overblown or in poor taste.


Totality of destruction has been central to the meaning of holocaust since it first appeared in Middle English in the 14th century and referred to the biblical sacrifice in which a male animal was wholly burnt on the altar in worship of God. Holocaust comes from Greek holokauston (「that which is completely burnt」), which was a translation of Hebrew ?la (literally 「that which goes up,」 that is, in smoke). In this sense of 「burnt sacrifice,」 holocaust is still used in some versions of the Bible. In the 17th century the meaning of holocaust broadened to 「something totally consumed by fire,」 and the word eventually was applied to fires of extreme destructiveness. In the 20th century holocaust has taken on a variety of figurative meanings, summarizing the effects of war, rioting, storms, epidemic diseases, and even economic failures. Most of these usages arose after World War II, but it is unclear whether they permitted or resulted from the use of holocaust in reference to the mass murder of European Jews and others by the Nazis. This application of the word occurred as early as 1942, but the phrase the Holocaust did not become established until the late 1950's. Here it parallels and may have been influenced by another Hebrew word, sho』ah (「catastrophe」). In the Bible sho』ah has a range of meanings including 「personal ruin or devastation」 and 「a wasteland or desert.」 Sho』ah was first used to refer to the Nazi slaughter of Jews in 1939, but its phrase ha-sho』ah (「the catastrophe」) only became established after World War II. Holocaust has also been used to translate hurban (「destruction」), another Hebrew word used to summarize the genocide of Jews by the Nazis. This sense of holocaust has since broadened to include the mass slaughter of other peoples, but when capitalized it refers specifically to the destruction of Jews and other Europeans by the Nazis and may also encompass the Nazi persecution of Jews that preceded the outbreak of the war.










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